Sunday, July 1, 2012

An Empty Magnificent Shell

Well, its been a little while, but I have been extremely busy.  We are finally in the new house, and what a house it is.  I am posting some pictures below of the house empty right before we started moving stuff in.  My plan is to post some pics, durring the decorating process so you can see improvements a little at a time.  It will take me a while to get this place just the way I want it.  The amazing thing is I truly think this house was meant for us.  Most of our things go perfectly in it and the energy of the home is so much happier and more inviting than the old house. We just feel truly at peace in this home.  Plus, with the property previously in the family a few generations back it just seems meant to be. Enjoy and check back for more pictures as my progress continues...  Once I get settled I will start doing some projects and crafts and will share those as well.  I have some other subjects to post about but am just to busy right now, so check back soon.

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